The consumption of plums in a fresh form is seasonal, therefore the transformation of plum\njuice extracts into powdered form is a good alternative for its longer availability throughout the\nyear. The drying process can moderate the physical and chemical properties of the plum extracts,\nthus, this study examined the changes in biological activity, i.e., antibacterial, antioxidant, and\nanti-inflammatory properties moderated by freeze, vacuum, and spray drying. It was suggested\nthat the drying processes and the applied parameters might moderate the content of polyphenolic\ncompounds in the powders, which influence the different levels of growth inhibition against the\nfoodborne pathogens (17% to 58% of inhibition), demonstrating a strain-dependent effect. These\npowders could also induce cellular protection against oxidative stress by preventing intracellular\nreactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation (23% to 37% of reduction), but the level of antioxidant\ncapacity may be determined by the conditions applied during the drying process. Moreover, plum\nextract powders exhibited a greater anti-inflammatory capacity (24% to 39% of inhibition), which\nwould be influenced both, by the type of treatment used and by the temperature used in each\ntreatment. The results demonstrate that the selection of the drying method can be an effective tool for\nmodulating the composition, physical, and bioactive properties of plum extracts powders.